Established in 2018, Sphere Ultrafast Photonics offers state-of-the-art products and services in the ultrafast pulsed laser regime. Using proprietary technology, their devices carry out simulatenous measurement and compression of the most demanding laser pulses in order to deliver the best performance out of your systems.
Established in 2018, Sphere Ultrafast Photonics was born as a spin-off of the University of Porto.
The company has extensive experience and industry-leading expertise in the ulfrafast laser field, with their prime example being the d-scan: an IP-protected, inline, compact and high-performance device for the simulateneous measurement and compression of even the most demanding ultrashort laser pulses. Sphere’s products empower clients and allow them to carry more complex experiments and characterize laser pulses to push technology beyond the edge.
Stemming from their technical and commercial activities in Portugal and Spain, the company has established several international partnerships with the goal of becoming one of the leading players in the industry.
Bullnet Capital invested in Sphere Ultrafast Photonics in January 2019, and has continued to support the project ever since.